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Christmas Day

Cleaning the apartment (Seattle, Washington)

"Before" view of far fridge.
And a
And a "before" view of the counter.
Really moldy bread on the counter.
Really moldy bread on the counter.
A top view of a year-old carton of milk (mold shown).
A top view of a year-old carton of milk (mold shown).
Milk after a year in the fridge.
Milk after a year in the fridge.
The far fridge clean-out.
The far fridge clean-out.
Spillage on the interior of the far fridge.
Spillage on the interior of the far fridge.
An "after" view of the far fridge.
The fridge with all non-expired products.
The fridge with all non-expired products.
The other toilet.
The other toilet.
Beginning the clean-up of the rest of the kitchen.
Beginning the clean-up of the rest of the kitchen.
Molded bean dish from the main fridge.
Molded bean dish from the main fridge.
The main fridge.
The main fridge.
The living room.
The living room.
The stove after cleaning.
The stove after cleaning.
The main fridge after cleaning.
The main fridge after cleaning.
The kitchen with the floor waxed.
The kitchen with the floor waxed.
The same...all done with the Christmas cleaning.
The same...all done with the Christmas cleaning.

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