Home e/j Scrabble® Games Summary Links

e/j Scrabble® games summary

Last modified: Sun Dec 24 00:58:04 PST 2000

Date Ed Page Jason Walsh Average CPPPA* Counts
11/25/00 227 176 201.5 201 x
11/26/00 286 330 308 254 x
11/28/00 329 291 310 273 x
11/30/00 242 * 271 256.5 269 x
12/01/00 307 * 240 273.5 269
12/02/00 293 256 * 274.5 270 x
12/03/00 233 366 * 299.5 274 x
12/08/00 244 322 * 283 275
12/13/00 260 * 354 307 279 x
12/15/00 295 341 * 318 283 x
12/16/00 343 302 * 322.5 286 x
12/18/00 309 446 * 377.5 294 x
12/22/00 326 206 * 266 292
12/23/00 350 * 401 375.5 298 x
12/28/00 326 307 * 316.5 299 x
12/29/00 307 * 319 313 300
01/08/01 342 364 * 353 303 x
Cumulative 5 8 5155.5 13 / 18

The score in red signifies the winner of that game. The grey star to the right of the score indicates the person who went first in the round.

*Cummulative per person point average
†Determined prior to start of game


These pages detail the Scrabble® games between Ed Page and Jason Walsh.


Games played this month
    January 2001
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 
    1  2  3  4  5  6
 7  8  9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31

Games played December 2000
    December 2000
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 
                1  2
 3  4  5  6  7  8  9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

game score summary

Site Notes

Scripted update process

  1. update scores.csv
  2. run script to
  3. select table data and create graphs from MS Excel for the large and small versions
  4. move board image; delete the thumbnail for that day; rerun makeimage
  5. enter turn information
  6. verify page is linked from the main page and information displays correctly

Future features

This site was built with Microsoft FrontPage and Excel 2000, FSF NT Emacs 20.7, shell scripts for GNU bash 1.14.7, and Perl 5.005_03.


J. Walsh <jwalsh@drizzle.com>