existence (eg'zIst&schwa.ns). Also 6 Sc. existens. [a existence, ad. med.L. existentia, n. of state f. ex(s)istent-em (see EXISTENT), pr. pple. ofex(s)istere: see EXIST and -ENCE.] The state of being existent
1 Actuality, reality. O (Opposed to apparence: the Fr. words often so occur in the Roman de la Rose.)

Sokal Affair - the current project.
  1. Critical Historical Methods for Intellectual History
  2. Everything Postmodern
  3. The Spoon Collective
  4. Kuhn's Obituary
  5. Outside the Western Canon
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Personal Information and Humor

Jason Walsh
Email -- jwalsh@u.washington.edu
Web -- http://weber.u.washington.edu/~jwalsh/

Last Updated: 19 October 1996

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