[Previous] [Next] [Current Results] [Get Thread] [Author Profile] [Post] [Post] [Reply] _________________________________________________________________ Article 13 of 212 Subject: Re: Global warming, not occuring? From: rparson@spot.Colorado.EDU (Robert Parson) Date: 1997/03/14 Message-Id: <5ga9gi$4o6@lace.colorado.edu> Newsgroups: sci.environment [More Headers] In article <5g96vq$52h@spool.cs.wisc.edu>, Michael Tobis wrote: > >But that, and the delicious Sokal spoof, should not be taken to >refute the substantive point that they take off from, which is that, >in case anyone hadn't noticed, scientists are human and scientific >conduct is a social enterprise subject to human frailty. Sokal spoke here last Friday (he's even more entertaining in person than in print.) He's another person who confounds the Ideologically Obsessed. _Insight_ magazine, published by the Washington Times, praised him for exposing the Academic Left, but somehow managed to neglect Sokal's own pretty-far-left politics. On the other side, I read an editorial by a philosopher from U. Texas which condemned him for giving aid and comfort to reactionary forces and subtly suggested that he wasn't _really_ a leftist. (The editorial also suggested that Sokal wasn't smart enough to have written the Hoax on his own and that he must have had help from some reactionary allies, which is almost as funny as the Sokal Hoax itself.) ------ Robert _________________________________________________________________ [Previous] [Next] [Current Results] [Get Thread] [Author Profile] [Post] [Post] [Reply] _________________________________________________________________ Home Power Search Post to Usenet Ask DN Wizard Help Why use DN? | Advertising Info | Press Releases | Jobs | Policy Stuff Copyright © 1995-97 Deja News, Inc. All rights reserved.