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Tech notes, bookmarks, and misc. notes


Monday, February 26, 2001

The general process for creating the navigation:
  1. build a sample XML file
  2. use xmlspy to generate prototype DTD
  3. massage the DTD to reflect the navigation data
  4. populate the navigation with Merlot-1.0.1 (java based gui xml editor)
  5. create test xsl file for viewing the navigation.xml file in MSIE5 (you may need to remove the call to the DTD inserted by Merlot)
  6. verify that the page renders when using MSXML on the server side (boilerplate)
  7. review the XML Parser for tips regarding tags and attributes (a node)
  8. create script for determining:
    1. the name of the script currently being called
    2. the role of script in the site (primary/secondary/tertiary/quaterary/NA)
    3. the types of navigation based on status of the item being displayed: active; child active; not active (perhaps also not display?)
  9. cleanup then optimize the script.

posted by j 2/26/2001 11:58:00 AM

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