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posted by j 11/30/2001 09:54:18 AM
posted by j 11/29/2001 05:24:55 PM
Preliminary research on building asset tracking for CDROMs
- CatFish for logging information about the contents of CDs
- GNU barcode (or the Win32 version for CygWin) for creating the barcodes
- barcoding procedures for future documentation on the procedure
- GSView for viewing and printing the barcodes under W2K
- and a MySQL and PHP inventory application that I haven't found yet
posted by j 11/29/2001 04:54:33 PM
Source code for Scrabble games.
posted by j 11/28/2001 12:43:35 AM
An application for cataloguing CDs.
posted by j 11/25/2001 11:22:50 PM
Reviewing tools for backing up CDROMs and / or using the ISO images:
- VaporCD: CD-ROM volume emulation for Windows NT/2000
- A listing of similar applications: http://www.virtual-cdrom.ru/progs.htm
posted by j 11/25/2001 11:19:18 PM
Something for Ed: the bb client. It looks like most people are running it as bin/bb -S bb.omnigroup.com or bb.u.washington.edu. Documentation is available.
posted by j 11/20/2001 11:44:12 AM
Miscellaneous notes:I'll start with some systems links. OpenLDAP 2.0 Administrator's Guide: A Quick-Start Guide and
You should edit /usr/pkg/etc/web500/web500gw.conf to your needs To start web500gw: /usr/pkg/sbin/web500gw [-d debuglevel] ===> Registering installation for web500gw-2.1b3 web500gw-2.1b3 requires installed package openldap-1.2.11Simplify your life with APG (Automated Pasword Generator) or Diceware Passphrase Home Page for use with pgp. pop3 or imap server suggestions on the Postfix Frequently Asked Questions and Standards-Based E-Mail For The Enterprise. Detect intrusions with LIDS. LWN - The Linux traffic shaper. Linux IPCHAINS-HOWTO: Packet Filtering Basics and possibly again: Setting up a secure RedHat Linux 6.2 server. Port scanning the box for possible vulnerablities: Nmap -- Stealth Port Scanner For Network Security Auditing, General Internet Exploration & Hacking; reviewing the list of exploits from the main page. Trying to lock down the external box for CVS access (see the authentication notes associated with The VPN HOWTO : Doing it) using Setting up a secure RedHat Linux 6.2 server on an IBM-compatible computer and downloading the RPMs from RedHat's 6.2 Security Advisories list. bah.
Moving away from security: ACS Installation under w2k and a CVS setup and administration guide
Next, let's cover some web develoment links. The Web Development Guidelines should start us off. Also, Daemon News 199903 : Managing websites using Unix. Next, we'll look at a sample CVS tutorial: a fun HOWTO Use CVS to work on Speech Lab Projects. Let WebCon - the Libwww Command Line Tool provide you with some useful tools for testing sites. Bugzilla frequently needs a new image; find one here: ARACHNOLOGY pictures. Upgrade to 2.12: Remote Vulnerabilities in Bugzilla.
Some other notes that don't really fit elsewhere: The Spam Bouncer: a Procmail-Based Spam Filter
A quick note on Brian Silas from Musicurry.com. The joy of Indian music. People at Work - The Empire That Was Russia: The Prokudin-Gorskii Photographic Record Recreated (A Library of Congress Exhibition). An oddly titled philosophy paper: Analizing David Hume. No, it doesn't appear to be a play on words.
posted by j 11/19/2001 12:07:51 AM
Securing Your Host -- tcpwrappers
posted by j 11/18/2001 11:46:38 PM
Linux Security Breakout Session
posted by j 11/18/2001 11:44:15 PM
Windows networking tools: WinPcap
posted by j 11/18/2001 11:39:54 PM
Additional CVS links:
- Development under Windows: CVS and the Microsoft Source Code Control interface
- Administration: cvsadmin 's home page
posted by j 11/18/2001 11:38:57 PM
Another development related article for review / addition to the schedule: Effective code auditing can ease your worries and boost your application security
posted by j 11/18/2001 11:36:01 PM
More build / development notes: Using the Zeus SCC-CVS Interface - my attempt at finding information relating to Homesite integration with CVS. It doesn't look too promising.
posted by j 11/18/2001 11:34:14 PM
Compact Disc Autorun
posted by j 11/18/2001 11:33:02 PM
VNC Contrib Support Page
posted by j 11/18/2001 11:32:22 PM
Using CVS keywords in file headers with templates for Perl and config files
posted by j 11/18/2001 11:31:39 PM
Programmers' Canvas Toolkit has the following mission:With the Programmers' Canvas Toolkit you can have an extensible, feature-rich development environment up and running in a matter of days.
posted by j 11/18/2001 11:31:24 PM
Some VNC utilities:A&M Software Design provides the following: VNC commander provides a directory type VNC viewer that allows multiple connections to be defined and stored in a list view as icons. The viewer is actually part of the application as a ActiveX control.
Trying an installation of VNCScan from TGCS. Evidently this will scan the network for VNC servers.
Also, demime - A tool to scrub mime from mailing lists looks like it is being used on the VNC mailing list.
posted by j 11/18/2001 11:29:25 PM
The Internet Letter (volume 1.1) mentions a free gopher server called GN:John Franks, a mathematician at Northwestern University, wrote a competing product, called GN, and offered it for free on the Internet. GN is the only free UNIX server.The closest I came to the source for GN was Professor Frank's WN web server.
posted by j 11/18/2001 11:01:49 PM
Notes on the PHP debugger
posted by j 11/18/2001 03:30:36 PM
The DBG Php Debugger is a comprehensive software tool that helps you debugging your php scripts.
posted by j 11/18/2001 02:28:55 PM
Articles on debugging ASP or PHP with PHPEdit or unit tests
posted by j 11/18/2001 02:03:06 PM
Win2k LyX port.
posted by j 11/18/2001 01:43:34 PM
Norm Matloff's Debugging Tutorial
posted by j 11/17/2001 06:31:32 AM
The previous link was mentioned on J-Software Resources.
posted by j 11/16/2001 06:16:22 PM
Lecture Notes for Great Ideas in Computer Science
posted by j 11/16/2001 06:04:57 PM
Vector Front Page
posted by j 11/15/2001 10:45:38 PM
Installing SHARP APL for Linux that is listed on Getting Started with APL
posted by j 11/15/2001 05:47:26 PM
Dyalog APL/W
posted by j 11/15/2001 05:38:14 PM
AspTear Component allows you to retrieve, store, and server pages pulled from a web server.
posted by j 11/15/2001 04:53:57 PM
John Chew's Scrabble ® Lists
posted by j 11/15/2001 02:30:31 PM
chkrootkit checks for signs of a rootkit.
posted by j 11/15/2001 12:58:25 PM
Venu Vasudevan's A Web Services Primer has a nice summary of the technologies that surround the construction of a web service.
posted by j 11/05/2001 09:50:04 AM
DewN RFC util
posted by j 11/02/2001 10:17:54 AM
Markus Hoenicka's recently updated NTSGML tutorial.
posted by j 11/02/2001 08:11:33 AM
A summary of the Unix Toolkit from ``Coping with Unix''.
posted by j 11/01/2001 03:09:50 PM